We are an intimate congregation, renewing Jews and Judaism
in the heartland, St. Louis MO.

About Us

Neve Shalom (Oasis of Peace) was founded in 1989 as a creative expression of the traditional forms of Judaism. We draw on every level of Jewish thought and inspiration: hasidic, halakhic, kabbalistic, biblical, Talmudic. The tradition is our guide, but our approach is always imaginative and informal, personal and evocative. We strive to create a nurturing community of acceptance and support, affirming the individual and welcoming a variety of Jewish identities.

We gather every week on Saturday morning for a Torah service and a study highlighted by deep, respectful discussion. Music is featured prominently, both at our monthly Kabbalat Shabbat service and at our occasional concerts. High Holy Days services and Passover seders are open to the entire community at no charge.

Neve Shalom is a member of the Aleph Network of Jewish Renewal Communities.